CCA Annex is an online project space for Essays, Films, Interviews, Performances, Publications and live events

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16mm Film Archive Art Writing Artist Talk Conversation Dance Documentary Drawing Essay Exhibition Film Game Intermedia Gallery Interview Lecture Live Event Moving Image Music× Online Online Exhibition Performance Poetry Publication Radio Show Research Sculpture Sound Talk Text Tour Uncategorised

Re-re-repeat A rhythmic dialogue between sound and image: exploring space, corporeal phenomenology and chance outcomes, which alter perceptions of time and memory. Scored by Wicks initially as graphic notations, then transcribed meticulously onto 16mm film. Moving image work that sit somewhere between drawing, animation and film and made using techniques including punching and drawing directly […]

a serious of repetitive white lines shapes

Suite for Extended Compositions is an experimental response to six graphic scores composed by Wicks and remotely performed by Cello + Violin duo GAIA. The moving image work that accompanies is 100ft of hand painted 16mm film that was intended for installation and made in February 2020.

three abstract images the middle image consisting of different hues of green, blue, purple, pink and yellow blended against each other. the outside images are the same and consist of different pink hues with bits of light yellow showing through with a series of intricate white shapes appearing through the middle of the pink shape

Sound – Looped and processed violin and synth. Warping time or space around its sound until it becomes a strange refraction of its familiar form. Steel sculptures – 1.5m x 1m x 1m – expanded drawings of graphic notations. Steel, oil paint. Process by abstraction – sound as sculpture. Steel drawings from the original graphic […]

two metal sculptures consisting of various intricate shapes

An extension of Debjani Banerjee’s exhibition Jalsaghar, an intricate exploration of identity, culture, and heritage. An extract from the artist, a review from a writer, a curated a playlist and snippets of past inspiration…

‘Re-Imagining In-Conversation’ is a project between artists and dreamers Hannan Jones and Shamica Ruddock. Through the medium of sonics, alongside a consideration of spatial dynamics and world making, they reimagine the ‘in-conversation’. What you find here is a momentary assembling of sonics, visual cues, research, scores, from a single iteration that took place at the […]

An extensive body of work that explores visualising sound and incorporates drawing, moving image, sound and sculpture. CCA has worked with Jennifer Wicks over the years, including on Trace out the threads, follow their convulsions, that was performed in the CCA Theatre in December 2018 in collaboration with The One Ensemble. We are delighted to […]

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