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Art Writing

16mm Film Archive Art Writing× Artist Talk Conversation Dance Documentary Drawing Essay Exhibition Film Game Intermedia Gallery Interview Lecture Live Event Moving Image Music Online Online Exhibition Performance Poetry Publication Radio Show Research Sculpture Sound Talk Text Tour Uncategorised

A programme of video and newly commissioned texts that will unfold over the coming weeks and months. Part 1 offered a tribute and reflection: the film after which this series was named, Ruppert Gabriel’s Rage and Desire (1991) and ecstatic tendencies written by Harvey Dimond. Both works attend to the life and practice of photographer […]

A still from the film rage and desire, the image is of medium quality, slightly blurred and hazy. Two black men in grey leotards pose athletically. They are contemporary dancers mid routine. They are in a dark room, their bodies and the surrounding floor illuminated by spotlight. Their legs are stretched into a lunge and they both lean backwards in unison. The body of the dancer in the foreground partially obstructs his partner, as if they are one being with four legs, two heads and four arms. Both right arms are stretched towards the floor and their left hands are clasped together.
a film still from Luke Fowler's film Patrick, showing a black and white portrait of Patrick Cowley in a newspaper. A fold in the newspaper cuts horizontally across Cowley's face, emphasising his eyes.

In this final instalment of From Here a Home Was Imagined, associate film programmer Donald Butler brings together Ian Giles 2018 film AfterBUTT, with a commissioned audio response, I’m No Longer Listening, written and performed by Conner Milliken with sound design by Cameron Howard.

Part of Collection Small Black Reptile vol II

REVOLUTIONARY LETTER #53 SAN FRANCISCO NOTE   I think I’ll stay on this earthquake fault near this still-active volcano in this armed fortress facing a dying ocean & covered w/dirt while the streets burn up & the rocks fly & pepper gas lays us out cause that’s where my friends are, you bastards, not that […]

my head tips from the highest ridge of the present’s catastrophe into sleep. i am dreaming of different times: al andalus, weimar, pre-1948 jerusalem…of the messy splendour of a shared world that reveals itself like an illustrated manuscript, or a jewel, or the layers of enchanted fashions in the street.  in dreaming my eyes are […]

Poems should echo and re-echo against each other. They should create resonances. They cannot live alone, anymore than we can. – Jack Spicer Our culture sees anyone at an economic, social or psychological vortex as a figure of despair. Despair informs all social dealings with them. It is impossible to show this despair is part […]

I   Fear like rust bones are not burnt are you on the side of life or are you on the side of death the woman asks two police officers protecting the military site with their black teeth nerve-severing barbed wire it’s a simple question I wake embedded as a splinter in a forest a […]

The picture of me is a smile dancing on earth, giggling to the earthworms and pansies, possibly psychedelically high. I don’t know how long I have been here, or why every time my friend touches my hand, my laughter starts again. In this pose I am equally breathing in and equally breathing out. Soil is […]

Collected in one corner of the house we live in (whatever house that is at the time) is an archive of all the things we must not forget. We made it because we have lost almost everything we ever had – possessed, controlled, held, felt sure of. Long strips of paper spell out timelines of […]

My feet were going. As I heard the long voicenote I realized it wasn’t the world slipping on its axis, but black ice, impossible to see in this light ending and sliding out of the bright plughole. I stood just there by the Polish shop and out of the window of the world came a […]

Part of Collection Small Black Reptile vol I
Part of Collection Small Black Reptile vol I
Part of Collection Small Black Reptile vol I

This is the second issue of Small Black Reptile, a CCA publication. Small Black Reptile is a response to the need for more outlets for critical writing in Scotland. In particular, there’s a need for various platforms where writers can develop an argument on a specific issue, or consider ideas around an exhibition in greater length […]

This is the first issue of a new bi-annual CCA publication. Selection for each issue will vary – submissions are welcomed but the editors will also gather and commission work too. Small Black Reptile is a response to the need for more outlets for critical writing in Scotland. In particular, there’s a need for various […]

1.1. Compelled to Count by Sadie Plant
1.2. Museologies of Fire by Katya Garcia-Anton
1.3. Flash in the Metropolitan by Moira Jeffrey
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