CCA Annex is an online project space for Essays, Films, Interviews, Performances, Publications and live events

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16mm Film Archive Art Writing Artist Talk Conversation Dance Documentary Drawing Essay× Exhibition Film Game Intermedia Gallery Interview Lecture Live Event Moving Image Music Online Online Exhibition Performance Poetry Publication Radio Show Research Sculpture Sound Talk Text Tour Uncategorised
a white line drawing of a upside down triangle against navy background
white line drawing of upside down triangle with a horizontal line through the bottom of it against navy background

A response to Jennifer Wicks’ Extended Compositions: Defining a Visual Language of Sound on CCA Annex.

two symmetrical 2D diamonds composed of unevenly spaced dots with lines coming out from both top and bottom

In this final instalment of From Here a Home Was Imagined, associate film programmer Donald Butler brings together Ian Giles 2018 film AfterBUTT, with a commissioned audio response, I’m No Longer Listening, written and performed by Conner Milliken with sound design by Cameron Howard.

Jessica Higgins’ responds to Alex Hetherington’s new work ‘Sister Films’. This text is co-published by CCA Annex and MAP Magazine and can be viewed on both platforms.

REVOLUTIONARY LETTER #53 SAN FRANCISCO NOTE   I think I’ll stay on this earthquake fault near this still-active volcano in this armed fortress facing a dying ocean & covered w/dirt while the streets burn up & the rocks fly & pepper gas lays us out cause that’s where my friends are, you bastards, not that […]

An extension of Debjani Banerjee’s exhibition Jalsaghar, an intricate exploration of identity, culture, and heritage. An extract from the artist, a review from a writer, a curated a playlist and snippets of past inspiration…

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