CCA Annex is an online project space for Essays, Films, Interviews, Performances, Publications and live events

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16mm Film Archive Art Writing Artist Talk Conversation Dance Documentary Drawing Essay Exhibition Film Game Intermedia Gallery Interview× Lecture Live Event Moving Image Music Online Online Exhibition Performance Poetry Publication Radio Show Research Sculpture Sound Talk Text Tour Uncategorised
a white line drawing of a upside down triangle against navy background
white line drawing of upside down triangle with a horizontal line through the bottom of it against navy background
An ice-covered road in the middle of a street lined with houses and cars against a backdrop of snow. Kids are walking down the roadway and one of them is playing with a hockey stick.
Part of Collection Our People, Our Climate
A closeup of a traditional Inuit oil lamp. The lamp’s flame burns across the middle of the image as three people sit in the background
Part of Collection Our People, Our Climate
Part of Collection Our People, Our Climate
A man looks out over a snowy landscape with a line of glaciers in the distance, outlined by a clear blue sky. He stands on the edge of a roadway, the ground textured with tire tracks.
Part of Collection Our People, Our Climate

Our People, Our Climate is a ground-breaking documentary film initiative, aiming to develop the storytelling skills of Nunavut youth and young adults. Inuit communities across Canada’s Arctic are essential to current climate change discussions, and this project brings together a range of young people in these communities to tell important stories through a unique and […]

A man looks out over a snowy landscape with a line of glaciers in the distance, outlined by a clear blue sky. He stands on the edge of a roadway, the ground textured with tire tracks.
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