Periferia Segue Sangrando (Periphery Keeps Bleeding)
Periferia Segue Sangrando (Periphery Keeps Bleeding) is it an action, a collective? It is a network of women who live, produce, act and think about the territory and our experiences as peripheral women. It was born in 2015 as a gathering of women in the south of São Paulo and has become a safe space to experience deep connections in which speech, listening and action permeate daily struggles, shared pains, the power of creation, the arts, affections and belonging among us. Periferia Segue Sangrando is the finger in the wound, the confrontation, the war, it is the demarcation of our voice and body in the streets, in the neighbourhood, in the world. It is above all a connection of affection, an encounter in which women are strengthened in the present and produce futures for themselves and their surroundings, a deviation from the shooting line, a breath to follow and not give up.
Find out more on their Website.