Our People, Our Climate
Our People, Our Climate is a ground-breaking documentary film initiative, aiming to develop the storytelling skills of Nunavut youth and young adults. Inuit communities across Canada’s Arctic are essential to current climate change discussions, and this project brings together a range of young people in these communities to tell important stories through a unique and distinct cultural lens. Beginning in early 2020, the project emerged as an international collaboration between West Baffin Eskimo Cooperative, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow, ilinniapaa Skills Development Centre in Iqaluit, Kakivak Association, Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies, York University, GRULAC Junior, Museum Cerny, University of St. Thomas and University of Minnesota, Duluth.
Captions courtesy of Eat The Pips

“Everything is connected. Connectivity is going to be the key to addressing these issues, like contaminants and climate change. They’re not just about contaminants on your plate. They’re not just about the ice depleting. They’re about the issue of humanity. What we do every day – whether you live in Mexico, the United States, Russia, […]