Michelle Mohabeer
Dr. Michelle Mohabeer is a Guyana born, Toronto based award winning filmmaker/media artist and photographer. Her first feature Queer Coolie-tudes is a creative essay documentary which was released on February 1, 2019. Prior films include experimental documentaries: Blu In You (2008), Coconut/Cane & Cutlass (1994), plus various shorts Echoes (2003), Tracing Soul (2000), TWO/DOH (1996), EXPOSURE (1990) and the experimental narrative Child-Play (1996). These films have exhibited worldwide at over 400 festivals, conferences and galleries, and collected by university libraries across the U.S, Canada, the Caribbean, and Austrialia.
Notable awards/honourable mentions include: Isabelle Liddell art award from Ann Arbor film festival , Coconut/Cane and Cutlass for best film with women’s themes, Best Experimental film: Child-Play (Zoiefest online festival), Honourable mention for Best Canadian film (Images Film Festival in Toronto), Honourable Mention to Coconut/Cane and Cutlass (Turin LGBT) for “best sex-scene.”
Michelle Mohabeer is a lecturer at York University and her films and videos have been profiled and written about in: Film Fatales, The Romance of Transgression in Canada, North of Everything, The Bent Lens, Women’s Experimental Cinema, and Queering Canada: A Collection of Essays, The Caribbean Review of Gender Studies, among others.