CCA Annex is an online project space for Essays, Films, Interviews, Performances, Publications and live events

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Was live 15 June 2021





Stanley Smith Horticultural Fund UK


Govanhill Baths Community Activism

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Glasgow Seed School: Growing food is a radical act

Claire Ratinon Glasgow Seed Library Martha Adonai Williams Rowan Lear The People’s Pantry

Hear Claire Ratinon in conversation with Martha Adonai Williams about the joy of growing and the legacy of colonialism in horticulture.

Over the last year, many of us have turned towards growing our own food. Community growing projects boomed and demand for seeds outstripped supply. Despite this movement, people continue to experience food insecurity, unequal access to land and a lack of resources for growing.

Organic food grower and writer Claire Ratinon is passionate about empowering people to begin to grow food. She has written a guide to growing edible plants in containers, and writes and speaks about the legacy of colonialism in horticulture and why it’s necessary to consider how it influences the way we grow and garden to this day.

In this relaxed online event, Claire speaks to Glasgow-based grower and writer Martha Adonai Williams. Organised by Glasgow Seed Library with The People’s Pantry. Supported by Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust UK and Govanhill Baths Community Activism.

Glasgow Seed School is a season of free workshops, talks and events. It aims to nurture seed stewardship and help build climate, food and community resilience. It is organised by Glasgow Seed Library, in collaboration with friends and partner organisations across the city.

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